cape may warbler fall

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cape may warbler fall

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... many with patches of yellow. The Cape May is one fall warbler that varies widely in plumage. It has a larger that average clutch size for a wood-warbler enabling it to take advantage of years when there is a surplus of food. Fall migration was over too soon this year. Some (usually adult males) have obviously yellowish underparts with dark streaking, bold wing bars, and the clear remains of chestnut color on the face. Among the dazzling cohort of spring warblers, the first Cape May Warbler to arrive is a balm: its mossy green back, tiger-striped breast, and chestnut cheek patch make it unlike any other warbler. The Cape May Warbler is usually present in the state from late April to mid-May and then again from mid-September to mid-October. Birds that migrate at night risk slamming into buildings or flying into other obstacles such as wires and utility poles. I … On the other hand, the next two, below, are also Cape May Warblers, both adult males, one in spring, the other in fall. We have three other types of autumn movements in birds that don’t qualify as true migrations. Habitat: During migration, found in woodland and woodland edges. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Most North American warblers do not molt into a drab fall/winter plumage; the challenge posed to those trying to identify warblers in the fall results from looking at mostly juvenile birds. You gotta love it! "He who is not busy being born is busy dying." Cape May Warbler habitat, behavior, diet, migration patterns, conservation status, and nesting. The Birds of North America, Inc., Philadelphia, PA. Robinson J. C. 1990. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. Many of our migratory warblers seem to lead double lives, and the Cape May is a good example. The explanation for these movements in the “wrong” direction are unclear. Sibley, D. A. Description: The male breeding plumage of this small songbird is striking: the breast is yellow with thin black streaks; it has chestnut-colored cheek-patches on the head, a yellow rump, and a large white wing-patch. Small warbler with sharp bill that is very slightly downcurved. If you find the information on BirdWeb useful, please consider supporting Seattle Audubon. Amateur photographer. The fall migration is a time of loss for us. Exhausted and starving birds are easy prey for predators. Cape May warbler, Greensboro, N.C. Fall migration was over too soon this year. Warblers eat insects gleaned from foliage or captured in the air. So I worry about the birds passing through here on their long journeys. In Washington, the tyrant flycatchers are the only suboscines; the remaining 27 families are oscines. For some people, it is the songs they sing or the color of their feathers, or their behavior. Its Latin name, tigrina, is a far more accurate way to describe it, especially the vividly tiger-striped male. To some birders, September and October are the best months for birding at Cape May, when migrating and resident songbirds, shorebirds, raptors, waders and seabirds add to the excitement of birding in this relatively small area. Yet when I see them flying overhead, it makes me think anything is possible. Among the dazzling cohort of spring warblers, the first Cape May Warbler to arrive is a balm: its mossy green back, tiger-striped breast, and chestnut cheek patch make it unlike any other warbler. The Sibley Guide to Birds. Migration is a gamble. Revised November 2007, View full list of Washington State's Species of Special Concern. Fall birding in Maine. The Birds of North America, No. Voice: The song is a simple repetition of 4 to 7 very high thin seet seet seet seet notes. The hawk watch site at Cape May Point State Park offers an excellent location to scan the skies to witness this mass movement of birds. Charles Thornton-Kolbe (in Denver, Colorado), Birding Worldwide with Premier Local Guides and Top Logistical Expertise. Fall Migration and Other Movements of Maine Birds, Variation in Clutch Size Within and Between Species, The Pace of Climate Change and other Natural Phenomena. Many supplement their insect diet with some seeds and fruit, primarily in fall and winter, and some also eat nectar. Baltz, M. E., and S. C. Latta. The female usually builds the nest and incubates four to five eggs for up to two weeks. During the winter the Cape May Warbler is confined almost exclusively to islands of the West Indies where it collects nectar using its unique curled, semitubular tongue. Although it nests as far west as southeastern Yukon and northeastern British Columbia its migration route lies almost entirely east of the Mississippi River Valley. Thousands of birds die every year as they travel back and forth. Description: The male breeding plumage of this small songbird is striking: the breast is yellow with thin black streaks; it has chestnut-colored cheek-patches on the head, a yellow rump, and a large white wing-patch. During this season, changes in the weather can bring fallouts, which mean a great number of birds can be found throughout the area, building fat reserves to help them with their continued southward migration. The Cape May Warbler is usually present in the state from late April to mid-May and then again from mid-September to mid-October. Of course, fall does offer us the chance to see birds that neither breed nor winter in Maine. The Cape May Warbler is usually present in the state from late April to mid-May and then again from mid-September to mid-October. in Migration, Weather. During the breeding season, the species lives remote from most human observers, in northern spruce-fir forests, where its nesting success is tied to its chief food, the spruce budworm caterpillar. It’s the same urge that pushed me on to New York and Pennsylvania and West Virginia and finally to North Carolina. Two common passage migrants in the fall are the Cape May Warbler and Fox Sparrow. During the breeding season, the species lives remote from most human observers, in northern spruce-fir forests, where its nesting success is tied to its chief food, the spruce budworm caterpillar. Cape May warbler, Greensboro, N.C. Fall migration was over too soon this year. This warbler and the Tennessee Warbler are spruce budworm specialists and attempts to control outbreaks with certain combinations of pesticides cause steep declines in these birds. The adult male in breeding plumage is brightly and distinctively patterned, with olive back, yellow rump, strongly streaked yellow breast, bold white wing patch, and yellow neck and face with chestnut around and behind the eye. The tongue of the Cape May Warbler is unique among warblers. There are only six accepted state records of this species, mostly from southern Maine. Every time I see a bird that has spent the summer in the far reaches of the north or stayed the winter in South America, I feel as if I’m witnessing a small miracle. – Dylan Interestingly, it was not recorded again in Cape May for more than 100 years. Cape May Warbler is a boreal breeder, found nesting in Canada and the northern United States. They must migrate to survive. Post-breeding dispersal seems the likeliest explanation but we can’t know for sure. Members of this diverse group make up more than half of the bird species worldwide. It always seems that way, but especially in 2020 with its nerve-wracking political landscape and the alarming spread of COVID-19. But be prepared to catch a few stragglers in early- and mid-October, too. of TN Press, Knoxville, TN. Land birds are pretty good at hunkering down during hurricanes and tropical storms so most vagrants displaced by storms are seabirds, hawks and falcons. Dullest immature females are entirely gray with indistinct streaking below, usually with a hint of paler neck sides and greenish edges to wing feathers. Nesting and reproduction: The Palm Warbler has not been documented nesting in Tennessee. ( Log Out /  Plumages variable. The fall trip offers the highlight of hawk migration - hundreds of raptors can be seen when conditions are right - while more warblers are expected during the spring trip. Journalist. The first nest of the Cape May Warbler was not discovered until the early 1900s. According to Richard Crossley, an internationally acclaimed birder and photographer residing in Cape May, September is the peak of bird migration. The Cape May is one fall warbler that varies widely in plumage. First, we have birds that are storm-tossed. Best places to see in Tennessee: In mixed-species foraging flocks in woodland habitats across the state during spring and fall migrations, especially in East Tennessee. Most of the North American members of this group are migratory, returning in the winter to the tropics where the family originated. We bid farewell to our Eastern Phoebes as they head to Florida, our Ruby-throated Hummingbirds as they depart for Costa Rica and even Monarch butterflies as they begin to wing their way to the highlands of Mexico. Wingspan: 8" Females and juveniles are less boldly colored. Royal Terns, Caspian Terns and even a Gull-billed Tern have appeared widely as well, often in loose association with the Black Skimmers. Cape May Warbler is a fairly common migrant that passes through New Jersey en route to its breeding or wintering grounds. And though I’ve lived here for 20 years, I still feel that restlessness, tempered now by age.

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