patron saint of medical students

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patron saint of medical students

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He compared his role as a priest with his role as a physician: A doctor must be familiar specifically with each of his patients as an individual, if he is to cure the illness. And Peter’s name itself means (kidney?) Paralleling the duality of this Divine Mystery, in the Theology of Healing, Christ serves as our perfect model, again in a dual role: He is both the Divine Physician (“Christus Medicus”) and, at the same time, the archetype of the suffering patient (“Christus Patiens”). family moved to Austria when he was six years old, and his mother died when From his first year of practice, Saint Philip combined his commitment to medicine with a fervent devotion to the Holy Bible, and to contemplation of the crucifix – his “textbook” of Faith. Butler’s Lives of the Saints, Thurston H & Attwater D, editors, Christian Classics Inc, Westminster, Maryland,pubs., 1956/1980, Vol IV, page 457. The story is told of how Doctor Moscati, on more than one occasion, on completing a house-call to the bedside of an impoverished patient, would secretly place a small gift of money under the patient’s pillow, to help with payment for medications and food. How often, when we were younger, would our Mom, or some good nun, be sure to remind us, whenever we faced some little pain or unavoidable discomfort, ‘Offer it up!’? In time, however, a fellow-Christian restored the Saint Pantaleon to the faith he had abandoned. family to the castle, and turned one wing into a hospital specializing His studies were interrupted by serial sweeps of the plague through Denmark, and a call to man the walls of Copenhagen against a siege by the Swedes. The Wanderer Forum Foundation. Saint Joseph Communications, P.O. A favorite of mine, I featured his life story at the Executive Board meeting of the 1999 annual convention of the Catholic Medical Association in Buffalo. As a youth, he was a member both of the Third Order of Saint Francis and of the Saint Vincent dePaul Society. Vico Necchi, serving as a military physician during World War I, was deeply moved by the seemingly senseless loss of life and limb. Later, both he and his wife agreed to separate and each join the Franciscans, she becoming a Poor Clare and he a priest. This is a list of patron saints of occupations and activities, it also encompasses groups of people with a common occupation or activity. “Primum Non Nocere” – First, Do No Harm. Elected pope in 1276, his was only a nine-month papacy. He served as Director of the Pathological Anatomy Institute in Naples and reinvigorated the reputation of that organization. long as necessary, gave away medications, accepted what patients would pay His insights led to his being recognized as a great light in the fields of Geometry and Crystallography also. Provide us with the gift of knowing how best to imitate you every day, as medical doctors, not only of the body, but of the whole person, that we may help those who are sick to tread with trust their own earthly path, until the moment of their eternal encounter with You. 5 While Pope John was never canonized a saint by the Church, it may be noteworthy that this Physician Pope was the only pope encountered by Dante in the Paradise of his “Divine Comedy.”, Albert Schweitzer: This great physician, skilled musician and African missionary has established a high-water mark for humanism in medicine. Divine Physician, who in your earthly life showed special concern for those who suffer, entrusting to your disciples the ministry of healing, make us ever ready to alleviate the trials of our brethren. He soon learned that his vocation was to heal the souls of men, as well as their bodies. He became a priest and a Franciscan lay brother, a…, St. Lawrence was a deacon who lived in the 3rd century, a time of great persecution of Christians in Rome. In most recent history, Padre Pio of Pietrelcina and Mother Teresa of Calcutta have both combined, throughout their saintly lives, their concern for the souls of those entrusted to their care with a compassionate commitment to assuage physical suffering, as well. She was eventually decapitated. In less than three years, recrudescence of his lung infection led to a painful death at the age of 32. Pope John XXI: Only once has a physician been chosen Pope. He is an example, too, to those physicians who do not share his faith…”, “Sick people are Jesus Christ’s creatures. A prayerful, humble, charming and cheerful physician, he stood at the forefront of the newly formed Italian Catholic Action. No, he stopped to touch, to bind, to soothe, to care personally regardless of the cost. He was appointed master of novices in Hiroshima, and was living in a suburb there on 6 August 1945. Each of us is called to sanctity. They were quickly arrested, tortured horribly, and beheaded, along with three of their other brothers. To live quietly and unassumingly, a life of prayerful devotion, of good works, and of selfless sacrifice, while seemingly a more readily reachable goal, is certainly not without its own challenges and setbacks. Alexander was caught encouraging fellow Christians, who had been condemned to death, to remain steadfast under torture.

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