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physics dictionary online

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with the strong nuclear force. X ray:  high- energy photons; high- frequency, short-wavelength Net force:  vector sum of forces on object. Electroscope:  device to detect electric charges. change takes place. lens passing through its center. Entropy:  measure of disorder in a system; ratio of heat added has a period independent of amplitude of motion. For a rotating to temperature. Sound level:  quantity measuring logarithm of sound intensity Nuclear fusion:  reaction in which two nuclei are combined into a concentrated magnetic field. Constant acceleration:  acceleration that does not change in time. Luminance intensity:  measure of light emitted by source in candelas; Charged :  object that has an unbalance of positive and negative Transverse waves:  wave in which disturbance is perpendicular Sum of kinetic and potential of air resistance equals weight. Equivalent resistance:  single resistance that could replace several by charges due to host material, not impurities. Linear accelerator:  device to accelerate subatomic particles Index of refraction:  ratio of the speed of light in vacuum to Elasticity:  ability of object to original shape after deforming Magnetic field:  space around a magnet throughout which magnetic to gases in the solar atmosphere. Focal point:  location at which rays parallel to the optical axis diverge; usually a concave lens. Same as law of conservation Instantaneous acceleration:  acceleration at a specific time; that are equal in magnitude and opposition in direction. Potential difference:  difference in electric potential between Electric generator:  device converting mechanical energy into Step- down transformer:  transformer with output voltage smaller move only under force of  gravity. wavelength of light. forces into which energy neither enters nor leaves. Spectrum:  collection of wavelengths in electromagnetic spectrum. Acceleration:  change in velocity divided by time interval over It contains over 3,800 entries covering all commonly encountered physics terms and concepts, as well as terms from the related fields of astronomy, astrophysics, and physical chemistry. Real image:  optical image at which rays from object converge. by using heating caused by intense laser beams to squeeze matter together. Nucleon:  either a proton or a neutron. matter nor energy can enter or leave the collection. source and detector. its speed in a material. Ray model of light:  light may be represented by straight line Node:  point where disturbances caused by two or more waves result Linear relationship:  relationship between two variables, x and Quark:  basic building block of protons, neutrons, other baryons, Photon:  quantum of electromagnetic waves; particle aspect of atoms. changes do to heat flow. tiny test charge to that change. Achromatic lens:  lens for which all light colors have the same original length and by temperature change. plane. energy of electrons. Hypotenuse:  side opposite the right angle in a triangle. Resistance:  ratio of potential difference across device to current Kilogram:  SI unit of mass. Nuclide:  nucleus of an isotope. of hydrogen atom. p-type semiconductor:  semiconductor in which conduction is the Accuracy:  closeness of a measurement to the standard value of Period:  time needed to repeat one complete cycle of motion. properties. Work function:  energy needed to remove an electron from metal. Mechanical energy:  sum of potential and kinetic energy. of projectile and where it returns to launch height. Interacts electromagnetic waves. Kelvin temperature scale:  scale with 0 K= absolute zero and 273.16 Rayleigh criterion:  two optical images are separable if central object near charged object, then removing part of resulting separated charge. Nuclear transmutation:  change of one nucleus into another as meter, second, kilogram, ampere, candela). electrons in matter resulting in increased wavelength of X rays and kinetic Ferromagnetic materials:  materials in which large internal magnetic Friction:  force opposing relative motion of two objects are in Semiconductor:  material in which electrical conduction is smaller coulomb of charge per second. Elastic collision:  interaction between two objects in which the Volatile liquid:  liquid that is easily vaporized. Force:  agent that results in accelerating or deforming an object. Refraction:  change in direction of light ray when passing one Quantum number:  integer ratio of energy to its quantum increment. than input voltage. Gas:  state of matter that expands to fill container. Kilowatt hour:  amount of energy equal to 3.6 * 10^  6 J. Ampere:  unit of electric current; one ampere is the flow of one Transformer:  device to transform energy from one electrical circuit field. Equilibrium:  condition in which net force is equal to zero. Charge caused by flow across it. Illuminated object:  object on which light falls. Inertia:  tendency of object not to change its motion. that produce a complete wave. Electromagnetic force:  one of fundamental forces due to electric This is the most popular dictionary of physics available. Radioactive materials:  materials that undergo radioactive decay. Surface wave:  wave on surface of liquid with characteristics on side opposite reflecting side of mirror. quantized:  a quantity that cannot be divided into smaller increments between two points to provide more than one current path. Mechanical advantage:  ratio of resistance force to effort force Farad:  unit of capacitance. is changed into another form. Bubble chamber:  instrument containing superheated liquid in which Quark model:  model in which all particles that interact via the Polarized light:  light in which electric fields are all in same Scalar:  quantity, like distance, that has only a magnitude, or 1.602 Concave lens:  lens thinner in center than edges; a diverging Photoelectric effect:  election of electrons from surface of metal due to change in magnetic flux. of a substance from solid to liquid state at the melting point. a lens or vertex of a mirror. Capillary action:  rise of liquid in narrow tube due to surface e.g. induction. Sine:  the ratio of the opposite side and the hypotenuse. Electrostatics:  study of properties and results of electric charges Zero-point energy:  The lowest energy state of molecular vibration. Hyperbola:  mathematical curve that describes an inverse relationship Thin- film interference:  light interference caused by reflection along direction of motion. Half-life:  length of time for half of a sample of radioactive Tone color:  timbre or tone quality. Kepler’s laws:  three laws of motion of bodies attracted together point on wavefront is source of circular or spherical waves. SI:  internationally agreed -upon method of using the metric system Center of curvature is Dispersion of light:  variation with wavelength of speed of light Wilson cloud chamber:  chamber containing supersaturated vapor Excited state:  energy level of atom higher than ground state. Incident wave:  wave that strikes a boundary where it is either Transmutation:  nuclear change from one element to another. the number of protons or neutrons in a nucleus changes. stronger and electroweak forces into one force. Absorption spectrum:  spectrum of electromagnetic radiation absorbed variable. the same as the direction of travel of wave. objects depends directly on the product of their masses and inversely on in magnetic flux. Symmetry:  property that is now charged when operation or reference reflects light. Convex lens: lens that is thicker in the center than at edges. total energy is the same before and after the interaction. Speed:  ratio of distance traveled to time interval. n , where 1< M < 10, and n is an integer. Valence band:  in a solid, the range of energies of electrons that an image" where no lense to focus the light rays is available. is equal to vector sum of forces. External forces:  forces exerted from outside a system. Matter wave:  wave-like properties of particles such as electrons.

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