pine weevil control

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pine weevil control

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The first symptom of weevil attack is resin oozing from small (0.5-1.0 mm) feeding punctures in the spring. The 4-H Name and Emblem have special protections from Congress, protected by code 18 USC 707. Damage from white pine weevil can be prevented by spraying the upper trunk and terminals of spruce and pine in early to mid-April and again two weeks later with products that contain bifenthrin, permethrin or cyfluthrin. PINE WEEVIL CONTROL. They remain on the host tree to feed until the temperature drops in fall, when they seek shelter in the litter to overwinter. White Pine Weevil Control Tips Attacks white pines, spruces More common in pure plantings Adults emerge in early spring when T > 50 F (as early as March in PA), Treat in early spring when adults emerge with borer pesticide Mechanically remove Shepard’s Crooks before August 1. Weevil adults could feed on the terminals for three weeks or perhaps longer. If you had weevil damage last year and need to control the weevils, do it early this spring. Since then, regular outbreaks have occurred. This is happening now around Lansing, Michigan, and will probably not happen until the end of April around Cadillac, Michigan. The following year, pruning should be done to restore the shape of the tree. This insect was first described in 1817 by W. D. Peck, a professor at Harvard University. Near the apex of the front wings is a large white patch. White pine weevil larvae kill the terminal leader and the top two to four years of growth on many varieties of spruce, as well as white and Scots pine trees. In white pine with recurring annual damage, wood quality is affected, reducing merchantable timber volume by sometimes up to 60%. Other biological control agents, such as predators and parasitoids, play an important role in additional brood mortality. How can I prevent weevils invading? In western Canada, its distribution coincides with that of various species of spruce. After the eggs hatch, in about 10 days, the larvae burrow into the bark, feeding on the cortex (inner bark). Dave Smitley, Michigan State University, Department of Entomology - Centipedes. For more information, visit Its host range includes Scotch, jack, red, pitch, and eastern white pines as well as Douglas-fir and all spruces. If you need to control white pine weevil, your best opportunity is early in spring. To contact an expert in your area, visit, or call 888-MSUE4MI (888-678-3464). MSU is an affirmative-action, equal-opportunity employer, committed to achieving excellence through a diverse workforce and inclusive culture that encourages all people to reach their full potential. In British Columbia, it hinders the regeneration of Sitka spruce, white spruce and Engelmann spruce and is considered a major pest of most other species of spruce. April 13, 2018. Description. These extra leaders increase oviposition sites and food supply. The lateral branches on the whorl will compete for apical dominance. During the summer, predation by larvae of the fly Lonchaea corticis may cause the death of up to 85% of the new generation. Issued in furtherance of MSU Extension work, acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture. A basal soil drench with imidacloprid at this time may be too late to protect against white pine weevil this year. The leader is eventually killed. Reference to commercial products or trade names does not imply endorsement by MSU Extension or bias against those not mentioned. Michigan State University Extension programs and materials are open to all without regard to race, color, national origin, gender, gender identity, religion, age, height, weight, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, marital status, family status or veteran status. Is the weevil that you are dealing with the white pine weevil (Pissodes strobi) that feeds under the bark on the upper leaders of the conifer trees and that cause a "shepherds crook" to form and kills the new growth?If that is the pest, then it is too late to spray topical insecticides on the trees to prevent the weevils from putting the next generation of eggs under the bark. This article was published by Michigan State University Extension. The pales weevil, Hylobius pales, (Figure 14) prefers loblolly, shortleaf, pitch, and white pine seedlings. This is happening now around Lansing, Michigan, and will probably not happen until the end of April around Cadillac, Michigan. It is also very effective for ornamental trees. It will absorb into the bark of the tree and offer both immediate control of … The adult is a small rust-colored weevil that is about 4-6 mm long. To truly end your weevil infestation, you will need to the help of a professional pest control service. Direct control through the use of pesticides may be necessary but is not advised without first consulting a specialist in tree pest control. Insecticides labeled for application on spruce trees to control bark beetles or wood-boring beetles probably also would kill white pine weevils, but it is University of Idaho policy only to recommend products that specifically include both the target plant (spruce trees) and the target pest (white pine weevil). Native to North America, the white pine weevil occurs throughout the range of white pine in eastern Canada. Eastern white pine, Engelmann spruce, jack pine, Norway spruce, scots pine, Sitka spruce, white spruce, Larvae into a terminal shoot of eastern white pine, Eggs in their natural position into a terminal shoot, Holes chewed by an adult in the stem for feeding and egg-laying, Appearance of a damaged terminal shoot on Norway spruce, Abnormal eastern white pine terminal shoot attacked, Abnormal terminal shoot on eastern white pine attacked par white pine weevil, Trees, insects and diseases of Canada's forests, Simple steps for controlling the white pine weevil, A simple effective tool for controlling white pine weevil and blister rust on Norway spruce and eastern white pine. Once they warm up, the weevils move up to the tops of the trees in late afternoon or early evening and feed on the terminal leader. An alternative method for pine weevil suppression is the application of entomopathogenic nematodes to tree stumps harbouring developing pine weevils. Where habitat conditions are suitable for the weevil, outbreaks develop in pine or spruce regeneration after the overstory is removed by natural (fire, windthrow, bark beetle) or man-made disturbance (harvesting). During the weevil life-cycle, different mortality factors affect the eggs, larvae, pupae and adults. Plantations on unproductive sites are the most susceptible to outbreaks. It has irregularly shaped patches of brown and white scales on the front wings. Mechanical control, which entails the pruning and destruction of infested leaders, is considered effective and is being used increasingly in private plantations. During outbreaks, the combined damage caused by adults and larvae results in reduced growth and usually in the total loss of the previous and current years’ terminal shoots. It will absorb into the bark of the tree and offer both immediate control of active weevils … The white pine weevil has only one generation per year, but the adults can live and continue laying eggs for several years. Use a persistent product because the adult weevils don’t all warm up at the same rate. This information is for educational purposes only. Infected ornamental specimens lose their aesthetic value. However, when too many eggs are laid, there is intense larval competition and mortality occurs.

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