why language matters essay

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why language matters essay

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In written and spoken communication, formal language has the ability to convey knowledge and provide a sense of occasion, while informality has the ability to minimise social distance and is easily understood. It raised man from a savage state to the plane which he was capable of reaching. Language matters. Point of View Why language matters. You may opt-out by. According to the 2012 National Survey on Drug Use and Health, of the 23 million Americans with SUD (a.k.a. Opinions expressed by Forbes Contributors are their own. Making it absolutely necessary in learning. As a result, people with SUD are less likely to seek help and more likely to perceive discrimination. It is the code we all use to express ourselves and communicate to others.. As pointed out above it raised man from savage state to a noble state. An essential point in which man differs from animals is that man alone is the sole possessor of language. English language is common language and is spoken in many countries. How the first scanty and formless signs have been changed into the immense variety and fullness of existing speech, it is impossible to point out because nearly the whole process is hidden in the darkness of an impenetrable past. The animals as we have seen are incapable of speech except for a few sounds and so incapable of having any culture and civilization. Social activities including sports, theater, concerts and conferences are all on indefinite hiatus. Man felt great difficulty in the clear expression of states of emotion. Health care professionals also harbor unconscious biases and perpetuate stigma. Addiction is NOT a moral failing or sign of weakness. It has led man from mere clumsy animal to a human being in the real sense of the word. Surviving Safeguarding [1] Anyone who works with me knows that I care a lot about the words and phrases we use in social care. In the past three decades there has been a growing recognition of the importance of language in international business and organisation and management studies. experiences with substance use. Most of the universities worldwide include English as one of their major subject. Thus, good English is correct English appropriate to a certain level of communication. Because people with addiction, a chronic brain disease, are still labeled as failures by all sectors of society – from the media to elected officials. Language is the greatest factor on which most of the human activities depend. Despite data supporting the use of non-stigmatizing language, media outlets continue to use harmful words. It is characterized by the misuse of words, the use of non-standard words, and the corruption of what is now considered a correct or conventional grammatical form. The coronavirus pandemic, sadly, has only fueled the addiction epidemic in the U.S. Public health-driven stay-at-home and isolation measures have exacerbated depression, return to use (a.k.a. Spring 2015 What is Language? Stigma is a MAJOR barrier to seeking help. Sometimes an idea or concept is hard to translate because the language has no words with which to express it. NIDA also clarifies that addiction is not a specific diagnosis, unlike substance use disorder (SUD), which can be classified as mild, moderate and severe. Media outlets are influential sources of information. As one of language in the world, English is considered and applied as international language. I'm also the Medical Director for COVID Isolation and Quarantine Sites for Housing Works in New York City. We all learn a language when we are young in which is used to give and receive knowledge. ...The Importance of Language Why language matters. The desire of communication was the main cause of language making. These coined words are, however, more difficult to understand and remember than the English words. A common saying in the field is that ‘the opposite of addiction isn’t sobriety, it’s connection.’. Efforts have also been made to improve the existing languages, to make them more simplified and logical. The argument has nothing to do with language itself, but with the role of language. “That means using accurate medical terms like addiction or substance use disorder, and not a meaningless, undefined label like ‘abuse.’”. If Black English isn’t a language, then tell me, what is? Appropriate English. As well as explaining how the other ways of knowing are not as significant in the areas of knowledge but it is included as my counter claim. The Importance of Language: Language is a constituent element of civilization. My diverse public and global experiences with underserved populations, addiction, homeless health, incarceration, evacuation from Hurricane Katrina and medical relief to earthquake victims in Haiti have given me a unique perspective which I enthusiastically share with the public! As you read on, I will begin to compare Trask’s ideas about her... StudyMode - Premium and Free Essays, Term Papers & Book Notes. The Hindi linguists have coined some words to replace English as a medium of instruction. It is man alone who through language has acquired a high degree of culture and civilization. It is considered as universal language. Similarly in Spain there are two cultures one is Basque-speaking and the second is Spanish-speaking. When businessman from different culture gets together for some business deal they use to communicate in English. The way you learn to speak your language describes the role of the language in your society that you live in. “Addict,” “junkie,” “cokehead” and “lush” are demeaning because they make no distinction between the person and the disease, implying willful misconduct, and denying dignity and humanity to the individual. “Addiction is obviously a health condition – it has genetic risk factors and is not under voluntary control,” says Dr. Saitz, senior editor, Journal of Addiction Medicine. Language matters. IMPORTANCE OF LANGUAGE. As a personal thing, language is not only a mode of communication between individuals but is also a way for the expression of their personality. Darkness, for instance, was indicated by extending the hands horizontally forwards and backwards and passing one over the other so as to touch it once or twice; a man by a finger held up vertically; running by first doubling the arm upon itself and then throwing the elbow backwards and forwards.

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