sweet potato vine plant care

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sweet potato vine plant care

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Pinch back new shoots to encourage branching and bushiness of the vines. If you decide to leave the cuttings in water, change the water if it becomes cloudy or brackish. Simply break off a branch with several leaf nodes. Keep sweet potato vines over winter moderately moist and gradually reintroduce them to the outdoors when all danger of frost has passed. Grow the sweet potato in a warm, sunny window. However, depending on your growing zone, it can be planted at … Sweet potato vines are easy to grow from existing plants. Overwintering Ornamental Sweet Potatoes as Tubers. Care for Sweet Potato Vines Over Winter. Keep the water level above the roots. Empty the container every 2 to 3 days and replace with fresh water. Caring for Your Sweet Potato Vine Watering. Though prolific growers, you may fertilize monthly, if desired, using a … Sweet potato vines can be overwintered indoors from tubers or cuttings. When to Plant Sweet Potato Vine. The care of sweet potato plants is similar to most other vining houseplants in the home, spending summers outdoors. Place the container in indirect sunlight and watch for roots to develop within a few days. 6. The sweet potato vine needs to be in a well-draining soil so that any excess water from rainfall or watering has the opportunity to drain away. Take cuttings several weeks before your average first frost date and place in water. It’s actually quite easy to plant sweet potato vines. Avoid garden soil, which is too heavy and becomes compacted. In a few days, you should see roots. When in containers, whether inside or outside, you can … Most of the time, the sweet potato plant is planted in the spring. Water them in and place the containers in a sunny window. Water thereafter enough to keep the soil surface evenly moist. While tolerant of drought, these plants prefer to be kept moist (not soggy). Feed the sweet potato vine a water-soluble 20-20-20 houseplant fertilizer once monthly. If you lack space or motivation to care for a vine over winter, you can always dig up and store the tubers. Once roots have formed, cuttings can either be left in water until spring, or potted up. Plant the sweet potato in a container of potting soil when each vine has as least four to six leaves. This plant doesn't like sitting in wet soil, so if you have this as a houseplant make sure you remove any standing water from around the base after you water it. Plants can also be brought indoors and treated as houseplants. At this point, you can leave the container all winter, or you can pot them up and enjoy them as indoor plants until spring. Remove all the leaves on the bottom few inches and submerge the stem in water. Plant ornamental sweet potato vine in a container filled within 1 inch of the top with commercial potting soil. It will take care of the hard work for you! Select a well-draining soil (test your soil if you’re unsure) and place it at the same depth that your potato vine seedling was at. Keep the water clean. The tubers must be kept … This is a good way to overwinter sweet potato vines because they will last all winter in the water and be ready to plant in the spring. Store dormant tubers in a cool, dry place and replant in spring.

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